Friday, January 11, 2008


Tiba-tiba pengen bahas suikoden ^^
mulai dari suiko 1 aja d

Wa pertama main game suikoden 2 dulu, trus baru ketemu suikoden 1

ini cover nya yg ga menarik sama sekali :p

sebenarnya dari game suiko 1 n 2, hampir sama d
dr gambar, karakternya, cara nge view nya
ya tentu aja alur critanya pasti beda
lebih seru di suiko 2
semua game nya suiko bs dianjutin, ya nge load dr memory card kalo udh tamat
ntar ada beberapa karakter rahasia yg muncul d

Mungkin bagi penggemar suikoden, paling byk yg milih suikoden 2 sebagai yg terfavorit d

Ini cover suiko 2

dari cover aja bisa liat kalo karakter utama yg di tengah
samping kanan itu adiknya (2 ending yg bs didapat jg, adiknya mati n ga, pokoknya hrs lengkapin smua org yg dicari d)
samping kiri itu temen baknya (joey),
ntar dia kepengaruh ama 'rune' yg dipegang,
jadi sempet musuhan d *.*

Untuk suiko 3, wa giv up d
main pertama2 aja udh pusing @.@
ini ga kyk suiko 2, sampingnya bukan adiknya ato apa hahahaha
dr yg wa tau, kita mainin 3 karakter d
ga gmn tau jg d ^.^

Trus untuk suiko 4 n suiko 5, wa bakal ngebahas di post slanjutya
(ini msh blum termasuk jalan critanya, byk bgt yg mau dicritain ^^)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Dinasty Warrior

Ini buat si Kwe
buat tau aja ^^

game ini emang seru, bikin orang addicted juga
paling seru main berdua dibanding man sendiri
kalo main berdua setidaknya, ada 1 org yg jaga base camp and satunya ag nyerang ^^
kalo main sendiri serunya tuh lbh nyaman, lebih luas yg kita liat

selain itu, byk weopon g tersembunyi, smua keren2
buat lebih tau cek di
disana smuanya lengkap ^^

selain dinasty warior masih ada samurai warior and gabungan keduanya yg dinamain orochi

thx for the comment

Berhubung byk yg minta pake bahasa indo, jd wa ganti d ^_______^
thx ya

dari comment rudi
FF Series, Wild arms series, Valkirie Profile, Suikoden series, and Star Ocean 3 this games is RPG genre. i'm a gamer too. I have finished FF X game. FF X is great especially the graphic, gameplay, and the storyline ^_^

thx ya, wild arms udh pernah main, cuma wa agak pusing dgn cari viewnya
camera2 berputar2 trus, lagian nyari item yg keren pasti di tempat tersembunyi -.-

valkirie profile pernah main jg, asik jg tuh game, wa ga tamat, wa lupa knpa ampe ga tamat ^_________^

suikoden!!!! ini yg paling wa suka
suiko 1 = tamat
suiko 2 = tamat
suiko 3 = ga main (berhubungan camera yg bikin pusing)
tp wa dgr ini game critanya super kereenz
suiko 4 = tamat (meski jd mabok laut) hahaahaha
suiko 5 = ag main, blum tamat
berhubung wa ag nyoba biar ga addicted kyk dl, jd main game nya 'slow' aja :)

star ocean blum pernah main, tp temen2 pada recomment ini ke wa,ntar wa cari d ^^

Final Fantasy, ini jg...lov it so much
ff 1 = pernah coba main, msh cupu bgt cari bertarung
per kotak gt
wa lupa selanjutnya
yg ada cecil itu ff 4? itu wa juga ada main
yg ff 5 ga gmn seru, byk job,jadi bingung dipilihkan
yg tera ff 6 d kyknya,ini critanya paling seru
ff 7 ga main, waktu ag booming ini game, wa blum ada ps 1 ;(
ff 8 ada donx
ff 9 juga keren, lawan trakhir paling susah, byk bikin kita poison, hrs pandai ngatur2 d
ff 10, susah tp seru
ff 11 (online) n selanjutnya ga ada

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Playin game (3)

Super Ufo itu sebuah mesin emulator yg terpasang di atas SNES
itu sejenis mesin komputer yg tugasnya terprogram untuk membaca rom.
Rom adalah data game yg bersangkutan.
di jaman dulu super ufo ini cukup terkenal di jakarta...
banyak toko2 di glodok yg menjual disketnya

That is my comment from my big bro, thx ^____^
so i dont need to explain more bout that ;p

last day, i try to find the picture of this Super Ufo thing, but unlucky i cannt find it
but i wont get all of you disappointed
I'll try another day to find it, cause i think there must be another name for such a thing

Absolutely from Nitendo
It is just MArio Bros or tetris one

not so interesting (for this time)
but at that time, this game is a booming one..really
like it very much
But tell bout the MArio Bros
when i was at that ages, it is really a hard one (for the first time)
then i finish the game so many times, and get a little bored bout it
still remember when for the last king, there r so many nail or hammer?
(dont knoe lar)
hard hard hard
and so hapy when we can finish and save the lady :D the stage 4, there is a cloud which can throw the enemy
and so many hole that we hav to jump
(keng ciang si e...)
and this lately, We can get this Nitendo machine in a cheaper price
but I know that is a 'fake' one
then i buy it, play it (after more than 10 years not playing)

i didnt get the feelin anymore, not make me excited
gettin bored, and really an easy one
we can finish it just in 1 hour -.-'
or not more than that
and also the sounds, the screne make my eyes sick
everythin just goin improve now ^^

and here

another mario bros game that i hav played n finished also
there still more if i want to talk bout the game

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Playin game (2)

to answer the question yeah..I am a gamer ^.^
and I think I am the addicted one,
if I start the game, I wont just let it,
I'll play for min 4 hoursI ever played the RPG game for 12 hours,
even i hav my breakfast,lunch, while playing the game -.-

I think I know why girl r afraid to say that 'I am gamer'
cause girl like to be look feminime hahahahaha
but i'm proud that i'm a gamer
I play the game when I was 7 years old
from Nitendo,Super Nitendo,Super Ufo,PS1, PS2 ^_____^
(I wanna buy PS3,but i think it is quite expensive now)

About that Super Ufo, i know it is uncommon in here
this machine are put upside the SUper Nitendo
so it become one
than the game that we played just the same thhat hav in SUper Nitendo
but it is cheaper,cause, we just we insert a disk

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Playin Game

i wanna share bout playin game
especially me, the girl
i dont knoe why, people feel strange if girl playin game RPG
but later, i will tell more bout this

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I just wanna share bout this

I think not all of us knoe this stories

Series finale rumours
There are three current and often quoted urban legends that started spreading in late 1980s of an ending to the Doraemon series.
The first and the more optimistic ending was made public by Nobuo Sato several years ago. Doraemon's battery power ran out, and Nobita was given a choice between replacing the battery inside a frozen Doraemon, which would cause it to reset and lose all memory, or await a competent robotics technician who would be able to resurrect the cat-robot one day. Nobita swore that very day to work hard in school, graduate with honours, and become that robotics technician. He successfully resurrected Doraemon in the future as a robotics professor, became successful as an AI developer, and thus lived happily ever after, thus relieving his progeny of the financial burdens that caused Doraemon to be sent to his space-time in the first place. A dōjin manga for this ending exists.

The second, more pessimistic ending suggests that Nobita Nobi is suffering from autism and that all the characters (including Doraemon) are simply his delusion. The idea that Nobita was a sick and dying little boy who imagined the entire series on his sickbed to help him ease his pain and depression no doubt angered quite a lot of fans. Many Japanese fans staged a protest outside the headquarters of the publisher of the series after learning about this suggestion. The publisher had to issue a public statement that this is not true. (This ending actually correlates to the ending for the series St. Elsewhere, which ended in 1988.)
The third ending suggests that Nobita fell and hit his head on a rock. He fell into a deep coma, and eventually into a semi-vegetative state. To raise money for an operation to save Nobita, Doraemon sold all the tools and devices in his four-dimensional pocket. However, the operation failed. Doraemon sold all his tools except for one used as a last resort. He used it to enable Nobita to go wherever he wanted, whichever time era he wished to go. In the end, the very place Nobita wanted to go was heaven.

The plausibility of these issues was discussed here and it was concluded that there is no ending to Doraemon.

There are three official endings to Doraemon that were made. Doraemon was discontinued in two media because readers were advancing in grades and an ending was believed to be needed. These two are not reprinted.
In the March 1971 issue of the magazine Shogaku 4-nensei : Due to the fact that visitors from the future were causing too much trouble, the government in the 22nd Century passed a bill to ban time-travelling altogether, meaning Doraemon would have to return to his time era. He leaves Nobita.

In the March 1972 issue of the magazine Shogaku 4-nensei: Doraemon, for some reason, had to go back to the future but fakes a mechanical problem so that Nobita would let him go. Nobita believes him and promises to wait until Doraemon gets well. Realizing that Nobita can handle his departure, Doraemon tells the truth and Nobita accepts. Doraemon returns to the future.
The third ending was actually meant to be the official ending due to low TV ratings and the Fujiko Fujio duo was busy with other works. But Doraemon did not leave their minds and restarted from next month's issue. In 1981, this episode was made into anime (called "Doraemon Comes Back"), and in 1998, this was released as an anime movie.

In the March 1973 issue of the magazine Shogaku 4-nensei, Nobita again returns home after losing a fight against Gian. Doraemon then explains that he has to return. Nobita tries to have Doraemon stay but after talking it over with his parents, he accepts Doraemon's departure. They take a last walk in the park. After they split up, Nobita encounters Jaian and gets into a fight again. After a long duel with Nobita trying to win at all costs so that Doraemon can leave without worries, Jaian lets Nobita win for not giving up. Doraemon finds Nobita passed out and takes him home. Sitting beside sleeping Nobita and after a moment of thought, Doraemon returns to the future. (It is also found at the last chapter of the manga Book 6).

The animated version is completely similar but lengthened. Nobita finds a box the shape of Doraemon in his drawer. The next day, which happens to be April Fool's day, Nobita is jeered at by Suneo and Jaian, the latter tricking him about Doraemon's return. He happily runs home and asked his mother whether Doraemon came back and finds out the truth. Nobita couldn't stand it and opens the box. Inside of it was a bottle of liquid. He hears Doraemon's voice explaining that the potion is called Uso 800 (Lies 800) it is used to make all untruths the drinker says true. Nobita uses it to play a few tricks on Jaian and Suneo, like first taking cover then say that the weather sure is good, which becomes a lie and it started to rain heavily before he said it is raining heavily and the rain stopped. Jian and Suneo was scared away after a few tricks and when Nobita mentioned what is happening. Nobita was very happy at first but quickly loses interest in the absence of Doraemon. As he walks home, due to his earlier questioning if Doraemon returned or not, his mother asked him if he could find Doraemon, he unwittingly said, in great disappointment, the truth about Doraemon never coming back, just like what Doraemon told Nobita before his departure. Since the potion was still in effect, when he arrives his room he finds Doraemon there, and they have a happy reunion, but due to the effects of the potion, all his greets and joyful words have to be spoken in the opposite way like I am so unhappy that we can never be together again.. The extended ending from the animated series was eventually adapted to the first story of Book 7 in the manga series, with a few changes (i.e. Instead of hearing Doraemon's voice explaining the use of the potion, he finds a card inside the box describing the use of the potion).

When the Fujiko Fujio duo broke up in 1987, the very idea of an official ending to the series was never discussed. Since Fujiko F. died in 1996 before any decisions were reached, any "endings" of Doraemon are fan fiction. However, it is apparent from many episodes and movies where Nobita travels to the future that in the end he does marry Shizuka, leads a happy life and separates with Doraemon, although Nobita and his friends fondly remember him.

last day, i hav found not only the story, but a comic, but today i cannt find it anymore, i 1 2 show it but forget the web

so just enjoy the story ^.^